Menu Creation & Design
Services in Menu Engineering
Restaurant Analysis
The process begins with a thorough analysis of your current menu, identify what items / categories should be deleted, repackaged, repriced or repositioned
Menu Item Ranking
Ranking menu items according to popularity and profitability, using Gourmet Tree Menu Ranking software.
Standardized Recipes
Strategic menu pricing begins with the development of standardized recipes to determine exact ingredients for costing the menu.
Menu Engineering
Recipe Costing
Using a predefined spread sheet, operators list their menu items and enter costs for each item to arrive a plate cost for each menu item.
Menu Pricing
Gourmet TreeMenu Costing software allows operators to adjust individual menu items costs and menu pricing to arrive at a target menu cost to use for monthly comparison and trouble shooting.
Menu Design
Based on competitive strengths, Gourmet Tree helps to brand your menu, developing a menu format and copy writing to maximize the effectiveness of your primary marketing tool.